5 Centimeter per second (first love always tears salty )

Damn that train!


 The different between animation and real movie are not much actually. A great movie (generally) must have a great storyline and a great director. The director play vital role transmits all this grand idea  visually, from actor, music, scenery and etc.

But for animation director, the hardest part is always be how to captivate audience with all the drawings to be alive. That why sometime we feel a bit lost when this character failed to deliver emotion to the audience. Director like Hayao Miyazaki with level of his details, stubbornness and perfectionist transform most his film  become truly art, He successfully manage to confine his viewers dissolve in the movie.

Although Miyazaki is great, but there is something lack about his movie, which is realism. He prefers to make a fairytales, folks and fantasy genres. Most of animation does, we see a lot superhero type, gruesome monster devils and many more. I don’t see it is wrong but sometime it lose a group of audience that looking forward to more logical and real story.

Spirited Away hooked up with is unbelievably weird story of character and the scenery. My Neighbour Totoro strength must be on it folklore character storyline, Princess Mononke loaded with it  wonderful moral  inside it, and Howl’s Moving Castle blow us away by it  stunning world . Some people say Grave Of Fireflies is the saddest Miyazaki story, I am sorry peeps, and honestly I don’t feel anything when watching it. For me, it just a fact story what happen during world war II in Japan.

 5 Centimetres per Second, when see the title, the first thing across my mind it must be about robot or mecha but it’s not. It is rated one of the great anime movie all time. This movie has a lot of realistic view of human emotion about it. It consists of 3 chapters about the struggling of distance relationship between Takaki and Akari from their childhood till adult. It a short film, must watch and definitely make you feel uneasy about yourself.

The soundtrack is effing sad and just right. It is one of a lifetime movie and yea I am feeling uncomfortable about it too.

The things I had to tell her…
The things I hoped she would listen to…
There were so many of them.
Toono Takaki (5cm per second)

Thank you Makoto Shinkai for a touching movie, next I probably explore Satoshi Kon masterpiece ,Paprika.






Roller Coaster Day


It was 22 December 2012



This morning, I got called from weststar and they want to talk to my boss aka The Jedi.  For those who don’t know the heck Weststar is, it is one of our customers that used our software for their operation. It a multimillion company, so just expect a lot of politics, bureaucracy, standard, demand and whining to satisfied their hunger

A bit about my company background, we are start-up Software Company that serves some of bigger helicopter Aviation Company in Malaysia and around the world. Most outsider think we are the big or one of powerhouse in this industry based on the client we had. Reality is we still the start-up, we don’t generate profit yet, we have limited cash flow. We have a big brand, but we don’t get any bonus like most of you had. 😦

As today announcement from our CEO, what company can give as Christmas or New Year present is by compensate us with company share. So all the staff will had their own share based on their salary versus year of service. Not bad, compare to last year we just got only pen. πŸ˜›

 But 300usd per share times % share of the company, it should be fine, plus it will add up my previous share last year.  Imagine it will be multiple in 5 month time, hopefully god “please make me millionaire “lolz

Back to Weststar, Jedi was sending me as a company representative for their general meeting headquarter in KL. When I first hear that instruction come out from my boss, honestly I was stunt, it was like “What the fuck you send me to meet the entire big pilot manager?” I am nobody here”, When  he explain, what I need to do, what I need to say and the reason he don’t want to go, I just obey it. Surprise surprise so all his load is shifting to me now. This is my 2nd time; by the way did I mention to you that the first time was not working very well?

It is funny when he said, I was manager of Head QA and Customer Support for this company, and honestly I don’t know what the hell this position about. Manager? Managed who? I was working solely ronin most of the time. On my way to the meeting, my heart was fastly pounding, my palm sweating, my stomach was full with butterfly, i can’t even breathe properly. I was fucking nervous, more insanely nervous when i heard Jedi said about how bitchy this management can be.

When I arrived to the meeting I was shocked, a bunch of people in front of me was familiar faces. This person are I use to work back then in Miri. Funny thing is they also shocked because i was local and not Arab guys, you know, my name can be misleading tho. The meeting was held smoothly and although I had pilot rush moment, but all good. But I must act it hard infront of Jedi, I would say to him I was brain bleed.

My mom just called, my niece just got 9A’s. (Not confirm yet). How roller coaster my life had for today. I if it true i will be uncle santa for this Christmas! Hum just wondering, where does she got that genius traits, i only manage 7A on my PMR alon2 time ago heheh

This day for me is a proof that that theres is something weird about this universe which i dont trust about it 


You know what  moral of the story right? πŸ™‚








Born – Your Life Highlight – Dead


I was watching Swedish House Mafia performed live on YouTube and it was amazing. It mind-blowing how technology was progress far ahead from what we thought. YouTube, Facebook, Google, and Twitter are becoming source of daily life for this era. Me for instance, 90% of my life was connect with internet, video call friend, checking news, playing games, watching movie and seeing football matches. What can I say, I had my wifi 5mpbs /30 GB streaming and downloading what I want out of this world.

We all should know about Facebook timeline right now, It will be officially launch on 23 December replacing current FB profile. Yea some people will complaining or dislike about this new change but hey I heard the same whining when Facebook just rolled out new ticker a couple month ago. Where are they going?? Migrate to Google plus? lolz?


A little info about what Google plus is, it was a social network launch by Google this year. It got pretty slick design and features. But what it lack is hype on it. On my circle for example, I had 5 inactive friends, and 20 people as aquitance, and it was a dead space. Google still hard to attract Facebook user to jump to their platform and using it 24/7. For me, G+ is had a cool feauture on it. One of blow me up is Google hangout. Where you can video call with multiple of your friend, Facebook had this, but it only for 1 on 1 videocam communication.

Most comment I heard among this techs people about Facebook vs. Google comparison is like;

Facebook is a PC and Google is a Mac which is too advance for ordinary people

Back to Facebook timeline, it was 6 September 2008 where I was start joining in. Where I only had  my 7 chosen ones friends and it keep growing. That was a great time, no privacy issue, no comment brawl, no explicit post compare to what we face now. That time most of people are enjoying Friendster and Tagged which is still alive but harder to breath nowadays. Reading through my timeline is like reading a blog for me, Thanks you Facebook because make it all possible. I found some of my earlier status like



Is enjoying the moment by performing Numa Numa dance ( zaman berpoya2)

Think he missed the muffin explanation at an earlier date (when eating muffin expired)

Is kdjaskjdoisjdijsakdjkuyfdsjlsdgjkjgkjfkvnm,fvnuhrehvfk jf jfidif8fijdkjfksdj (serenity)

Yea it was reminices, it was  good old  day. Make me wonder what hell is different with  people now. Last 2 weeks, I read one of the status (modified by me)

Status: Yea I brought a box of wigs, boley la pake time pengilan (post pictar)

All people like his picture and comment a good thing about her wigs. Except for this guys

Guy: Be original, why need to wear wigs? Lost confident much, low self esteem?

As expected he get an angry comments   by all her friends after that. Ok that normal I thinks, the guy should expect that, either he trolling or speak the truth I just admire he guts but there  comes a good part, the girl is not satisfied and post another status

Sukati ku la mok jadi sik original, ukan duit ko pun πŸ™‚

As expected gazillion likes from her believer

Me: Wad de fuq? She must lost her confident much because  that guy comment. PAWNED

 The morality is, if you really care much about your status, please customize the way you’re sharing. Don’t expect your thousand friends will agree with everything you say. It LIFE just and please  grown  up.Or maybe you should watch this movie ;-


It happen everyday the PAWNED &  Epic Win Cpmment.. πŸ™‚

The youtube concert just end.. What a great concert

Did i mention gambar bershampoo pun post mok juak ka??








Geek oh Geek


Bear in mind, I am not condemn this bunch of  technical person which are my friend. I must admit their world is part of my world too. I was surrounded with this computer expert and enthusiast. I sometime have been called geek’tard because of my curiosity, and knowledge about how this technology works. But I am not a technical expert like programmers, networkers, designers or adminsyss, I justο»Ώ practitioners that required me to understand how this environment work as my job scope.

Let me share some of pros working with this talent people

1.       Geek consider as a cool person. The world nowadays is based on internet, technology, gadget and computer. So becoming expert on this field is like a GOD among your friend. You always make your friend dumbfolded.

2.       Geek has an awesome activity and not bounded with rules much. Programmer for example, they can work at home as long it has a computer and internet. They don’t have dress code like some of you work. They have activity called hackweekend, hackathon and many heck that I also don’t even know about.

3.       Geek a trendsetter these days, the emerging icon names like Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckenberg, and Sean Parker make the world of geek is something appealing, elegance or sophisticate.

Ok it fair enough, the main reason I writing this and post a facepalm picture on it is not purposely to embrace geek coolness. My objective are to highlights some of dilemma, an awkward moment, buthurt and cons  working with them;-

1.       Geek has an ego, their ego sometime is annoying and they don’t even want to listen to non expertise people like others. It shocked me first when I encounter this at my workplace, it remind me working with a bunch of crappy pilot.

2.       Geek is moody, this is something that I think “what the the fuck’ with this people. There is a time you can’t ask them, there is a time you can’t disturb them, there is a time you can even assign them a job! There a term where this coders are in the state of Zen or wired, where they claims they are writing a perfect code. ceh. Diva!

3.       When you surrounding with this software engineers, you must expect a double standard treats among them and with company, which is I don’t giving fucking care much. So when they ask you to do something, you better get your arse off and start working. But if you assign them to do something, you have to compromise with the result or when t it will be resolved, why? Because it NOT EASY to fix or design cool features! ( quotes : programmers)

4.       Your Argument is always invalid ordinary people! I used to argue with this people, sometime I was right, sometime I was wrong and sometime I think I was right but they said I am wrong because I   not understand how the architecture work.

5.       They hate change!, More change means more unstable the system is, They are carried away  with star wars story  and forgot how reality is work. Customer always right and they pay your money!

6.       Getting feedback is the pain in an arse! I believe in 2 way communication, that the world actually is work. But sometime when I ask for a request or something, it feels like I am talking to a dead chair. It drain my energy to  and make me don’t give a fuck with the company sometime


 Silence is a golden but for me silence is a cancer


This is not a rage thread. This not reflect specific individual or general population of geek out there, it just my personal thought what I learn and how to adapt working with them. I am sure all people have their own pro and cons. It include me, you and geek people;

In the end I respect their weirdness, ego, behaviour and their social skills. At least they don’t  backstabbing people like other place πŸ™‚



My Christmas top gift


Christmas is coming, for those that still thinking what to buy for your friend or boyfriend , you may  have a look my top list Christmas gift for men. Trust me, men are from Mars, they love simple gift but not to fancy. They  love a cool present, so he can brag to his friend how cool and unique your girl is. 

Fact : Most men doesnt think his girlfriend is cool. They normally call them sweet, which is ok but not awesome 

  1. Gorilla pod  – for photo freak 
  2. Table tent photo studio – otaku photo freak
  3. Geek T-Shirt – for hipster 
  4. Nutella – For funny or Omnivore 
  5. Leather bracelet – For emo boyfriend, make sure the bracelet is rare
  6. Headset or Baterry Charger – For geek 
  7. Bansky artwork or T-Shirt – Art lover
  8. Miyazaki Collection of DVD –  for anime lovers
  9. Cat toys – For animal lover ,make sure he has a cat, 
  10. USB with Daftpunk, Radiohead, The Cars, or Sex Pistol mp3 files on it.- It should blow my mind out..

Use google for any enquiry
